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MDP course

Hey people,
Recently I did the Jama Jurabaev MDP course (Masters of Digital Painting). I recommend this course to anyone who in interested in improving their skills.
All these pictures were done in blender. They were rendered, photobashed and overpainted. I was curious how far I could push the software and where its efficiency ends. I can say building these scenes on quite a strong PC didn’t turn out to be very efficient, but it is absolutely amazing what you can do in 3D nowadays.
In a series of only 6 images, I challenged myself to tell a story. I practiced framing on these scenes, using a few things I learned about framing and storytelling from studying the cinematography of Boardwalk Empire. I made every shot somewhat overwhelming, where you feel that the characters we follow are in danger.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!